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Show Section Counts

There are 8 players registered as of 2024-05-15T05:01:58Z

Player Name Rating USCF ID Expiration Section Byes Notes
Thrasher, Clayton 1630 16388476 2024-11-30 Open
Rives, Burks Allen 1466 13130860 2024-10-31 Open
Noel, Jack 961 30178704 2024-06-30 Open
Thompson, D Kyle 1202 12619243 2024-12-31 Reserve - Under 1300 or Unrated
Hanegan, Spence Douglas 1194 30527982 2025-01-31 Reserve - Under 1300 or Unrated
Calder, Jack 1133 31763363 2025-03-31 Reserve - Under 1300 or Unrated
Thrasher, Lizabeth 1121 16399990 2024-11-30 Reserve - Under 1300 or Unrated
Hinton, Caleb Ryan 958 17310631 2026-02-28 Reserve - Under 1300 or Unrated