Open to: This OTB rated tournament for KLC old and current students ONLY (No walk-ins).

Day & Time:
Monthly In-Person USCF-rated OTB tournament on Fridays
 5:30PM - 8:30PM

Entry Fee:  $45 per tournament; Non-refundable.

No-show penalty: Any player who is a no-show without any notification will be suspended from KLC tournament for two months.

Time Control:
G/30;d5 (Game in 30 minutes with a 5 second delay. Full game may last up to 1 hour.)

Each tournament will have three rounds. All rounds will have the same time control (G/30;d5 ). (Beginner section will play four rounds if time allows it.)

Round 1 starts about at 5:30 PM on Friday. Please arrive by 5:15PM.
Consecutive rounds are on a so-called rolling schedule: after all games are finished in a section in a round, pairings will be posted and the next round will start in 5-10 minutes.
Expected end-time around 8:30PM.

Bye request: One half-point bye is available upon request and must be requested AT LEAST 1 DAY before the tournament.

Monthly USCF supplemental rating is used to place players in section and to pair players. No playing up to stronger section is allowed. The tournament director reserves right to assign a estimated rating to players with non-USCF or online ratings.

The tournament will be USCF-rated. Current US Chess Membership is required to participate in the event.

All US Chess tournament rules apply. The tournament director's decisions are final.


Notation required if your rating is 300+ (Coach Kiki requirement).
Guidelines for Electronic notation devices:
Only US Chess approved electronic notation devices are allowed.
For a complete list of devices, please visit:

Chess set and clock:KLC provides chess boards, sets and clocks. You can bring your scorebook, but scoresheets and pencils will also be available onsite.

When individual scores are equal, the tournament will follow the tie-break order listed in the US Chess Scholastic Regulations in order to determine awards:

1) Modified Median

2) Median

3) Solkoff



KLC San Ramon Office
2410 San Ramon Valley Blvd, Suite 225, 
​San Ramon, CA 94583 

Any tournament regulation related question can be addressed to Chief TD Judit Sztaray (NTD/IA) via Judit.sztaray@gmail.com.

Any logistical questions, please email kingslandchess@gmail.com.


Event Result: