City of Chicago Rapid Championship

(includes UIC Rapid Championship)

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Nine-round Swiss System, Game in 10 minutes with 3-second increment,

Room 605 UIC Student Center East, 750 S. Halsted St. Chicago IL 60607.

US Chess membership required (join or renew onsite!)


2019 City of Chicago Rapid Champion

2019 Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Rapid Champion (to top UIC student, faculty, or staff)

Top Under 2200

Top Under 2000

Top Under 1800

Top Under 1600

Top Under 1400

Top Under 1200

Top Under 1000

Top Under 800

Top Under 600

TROPHY PRESENTATION at 2:45 p.m., immediately before Grandmaster Yaroslav Zherebukh's simultaneous exhibition.

ENTRY FEE: $7 (online only) until Nov. 30, then $12 (online only) until Dec. 13, then $25 on Dec. 14 or onsite 8 to 8:30 a.m. 

FREE ENTRY to all UIC students, faculty, and staff (must use email when registering). Use coupon code RAPIDUIC

FREE ENTRY to any K-12 student with financial need (as always, we operate on the honor system). Use coupon code RAPIDK12

ROUNDS: 9 a.m sharp, then rounds 2-5 ASAP afterwards, then a short break, then round 6 at 12 p.m. sharp and ASAP afterwards  

PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE STARTING AT 9 a.m. SHARP! Players not on site by 9:10 will forfeit round 1 & not be paired for any subsequent round until they check in. Take as many half-point byes as you want, but you must ask for them when you register!


All-day parking is available for $7 in the UIC Halsted/Taylor Parking Structure at 760 W. Taylor St. with purchase of parking sticker (normal all-day rate is $8.50).


Take Blue Line CTA train to UIC Halsted or 8 bus (Halsted) to Polk or 12 bus (Roosevelt) to Halsted.


Union Station is a 0.8 mile walk, Ogilvie Transportation Center is a 1.1 mile walk . Short taxi ride from all Loop METRA stations.


Argo Tea may be open on the second floor of Student Center East; Chick-fil-A is open most Saturdays. There are several great restaurants in Little Italy and Greektown within walking distance, but we'd suggest waiting until dinner to visit them. Quick dining options within a half-mile walk include:

Fontano Foods 1058 W. Polk (Closed Sundays)

Curry on File Indian Cuisine, 1030 W. Taylor

Al's #1 Italian Beef, 1079 W. Taylor (Closed Sundays)

Demitasse Cafe, 1066 W. Taylor

Artopolis Bakery, Cafe & Agora, 306 S. Halsted